1. Access the help center:
Log in to your account and navigate to the help center.
2. Submit a ticket:
Click the appropriate option to create a new ticket and select your specific issue.
3. Provide details:
Explain the problem you are encountering. If it's related to an order, include essential order details such as the order number, and any details you feel are relevant.
4. Attach evidence:
Include any evidence you have, such as photos, screenshots, videos, or documents.
If you've had communications with the seller, attach those messages to support your case.
5. Update contact information:
Make sure your contact details are accurate. This ensures our support team can reach you promptly.
6. Review and submit:
Please ensure to review the information and evidence you've provided before submitting the dispute.
7. Stay informed:
After submitting the ticket, keep an eye on your email or for ticket updates on the website.
Our support team will keep you updated on the dispute's progress and may request additional information if needed.