Game specific: World of Warcraft currency delivery guideline

  • Updated

Face to face trade:

When providing video evidence or screenshots, make sure you display the customer's character name, server, and region, display the gold in bags before and after the trade, and include the "Trade complete" system message.

wow f2f 1.png

wow f2f 2.png

After completing the trade, log out and display the server and region in the "Realm Selection" list.



When providing video evidence or screenshots, make sure you display the customer's character name, server, and region, display the gold in bags before and after the trade, and include the "Mail sent" system message.

wow mail 1.png

wow mail 2.png

After sending the mail, log out and display the server and region in the "Realm Selection" list.


Guild Bank:

When providing video evidence or screenshots, make sure you display customer's character name and the "Money Log" transaction with successful withdrawal by the customer.

wow bank.png

After displaying the "Money Log", log out and display the server and region in the "Realm Selection" list.

Note: Gamer Choice strongly advises the submission of video evidence. Please be aware that using screenshots is at your own risk, particularly in cases where a customer disputes the receipt of the product or service.

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