In-game currency delivery guideline

  • Updated

Please keep in mind that this is a general guide. Each game may have its own specific requirements for proof!


1) Guideline for the delivery methods:

Face to face trade:
- Take a video/screenshot of your inventory.
- Capture the recipient's name.
- Capture the delivery amount.
- Take a video/screenshot after the recipient has accepted the trade, showing the notification "Trade Complete".

The whole process can be displayed in just 1 video.

- Take a video/screenshot of your inventory.
- Capture the recipient's name.
- Capture the delivery amount.
- Take a video/screenshot showing the notification "Mail sent" after you have sent the mail.

The whole process can be displayed in just 1 video.

Auction House:
- Take a video/screenshot displaying the item name, price, and seller of the item.
- Capture a video/screenshot showing the message "Purchase Completed" with your inventory opened.

The whole process can be displayed in just 1 video.

Guild Bank:
- Take a video/screenshot displaying the “Bank Log/Trade Log” with successful withdrawal by the customer.

Note: Gamer Choice strongly advises the submission of video evidence. Please be aware that using screenshots is at your own risk, particularly in cases where a customer disputes the receipt of the product or service.

2) Please ensure to upload the delivery proof immediately through your order page as soon as the order has been delivered.

3) Video or screenshots evidence should include the customer's character, as well as the quantity before and after the delivery.

4) If the video or screenshot content is not in the english language, kindly include a brief explanation or translation of the content.


Gamer Choice reserves the right to cancel an order if it is determined that the seller has submitted inaccurate or fraudulent proof of delivery.

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